Science of SameSex Procreation

Color illustration of female sperm making procress
Patent application for female sperm

Making Female Sperm and Male Eggs
Adding X and Y chromosomes to Human Cells
Epigenetics: the Key to SameSex Procreaion
Klinefelter Men and Klinefelter Women
Ancient science, New Testament lie and error, about female sperm

Science of Procreation

Making, Fixing, and Enhancing Male Sperm

Bibliography and Timeline

Timeline of SameSex Procreation Research
Bibliography of SameSex Procreation-related Books

Scientific/Religious Ethics and SameSex Procreation

Ethics of Artificial Sperms and Eggs
Happiness of Same-Sex Marriage Children
Same Sex Marriage - Constitutionality and Female Sperm
Historical quotes link marriage and procreation
Female Sperm, Cloning, Stem Cells and Artificial Chromosomesi

New Testament Error and Lie involving Female Sperm

The Irreverent Guide to Procreation

Researchers/Supporters of SameSex Procreation

Government Agencies, University Research Centers, Corporations, Non-Profit Foundations, Other Interesting Web Sites

The Latest News and Our Free Newsletter

Entertainment Products based on SameSex Procreation

Human Samesex Reproduction Project
P.O. Box 475847, San Francisco, CA, 94147